gcc residents visa-free countries promote seamless travel experiences and nurture international connections. In this article, we’ll delve into the gcc residents visa-free countries. Additionally, we’ll offer valuable insights into Kuwait’s e-visa system.
gcc residents visa-free countries
gcc residents visa free countries are categorized according to each GCC nation. Let’s delve into the visa-free countries of GCC residents: Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.
kuwait passport visa free countries
Kuwaiti passport holders have the privilege of visa-free travel to 59 countries and territories, facilitating convenient exploration and fostering global connections. You can find the list of these countries and territories below:
Ecuador | Dominican Republic | Albania |
El Salvador | Egypt | Antigua and Barbuda |
Guatemala | Georgia | Armenia |
Honduras | Haiti | Bahamas |
Iran | Hong Kong | Bahrain |
Kazakhstan | Jordan | Belarus |
Kosovo | Kenya | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Lebanon | Kyrgyzstan | Botswana |
Mauritius | Malaysia | Cayman Islands |
Montenegro | Micronesia | Cook Islands |
New Zealand | Morocco | Dominica |
Oman | Niue | Nicaragua |
Qatar | Philippines | Panama |
Saudi Arabia | São Tomé and Príncipe | Samoa |
Singapore | Serbia | Senegal |
Saint Lucia | Saint Kitts and Nevis | South Korea |
Thailand | Sudan | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
United Arab Emirates | Türkiye | Tunisia |
Vanuatu | Uzbekistan | United Kingdom |
Zambia | Eswatini |
bahrain passport visa free countries
Bahraini passport holders have the opportunity to travel visa-free to 51 countries and territories, promoting convenient exploration and fostering global connections. Below is the list of these countries and territories:
Albania | Dominican Republic | Jordan | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
Antigua and Barbuda | Ecuador | Kazakhstan | Thailand |
Argentina | Egypt | Kenya | Tunisia |
Bahamas | El Salvador | Kosovo | Türkiye |
Barbados | Georgia | Kuwait | United Arab Emirates |
Belarus | Guatemala | Kyrgyzstan | United Kingdom |
Botswana | Haiti | Lebanon | Uzbekistan |
Cayman Islands | Honduras | Malaysia | Vanuatu |
Cook Islands | Hong Kong | Mauritius | Zambia |
Dominica | Iran | Micronesia | Samoa |
Niue | New Zealand | Morocco | Saudi Arabia |
Philippines | Oman | Qatar | Saudi Arabia |
Serbia | Singapore | South Korea |
Oman passport visa free countries
Omani passport holders have the opportunity to travel visa-free to 49 countries and territories, facilitating convenient exploration and fostering global connections. Here’s the list of these countries and territories:
Albania | Jordan | Malaysia | Seychelles |
Bahamas | Kazakhstan | Mauritius | Singapore |
Bahrain | Kenya | Micronesia | South Korea |
Barbados | Kosovo | Morocco | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
Belarus | Kuwait | New Zealand | Suriname |
Botswana | Kyrgyzstan | Niue | Syria |
Brunei | Lebanon | Philippines | Tajikistan |
Cayman Islands | Qatar | Cook Islands | Thailand |
Dominica | Samoa | Ecuador | Tunisia |
Egypt | Saudi Arabia | Georgia | Turks and Caicos Islands |
Hong Kong | Turkey | Haiti | Uzbekistan |
Iran | United Arab Emirates | Hong Kong | Vanuatu |
Iraq | United Kingdom | Cayman Islands | Vietnam |
Kazakhstan | Zimbabwe | Dominica | Yemen |
Kuwait | Zambia |
Qatar passport visa free countries
Qatari passport holders have the privilege of visa-free travel to 73 countries and territories, enabling seamless exploration and strengthening global ties. Below is the comprehensive list of these destinations:
Albania | Bangladesh | Georgia | New Zealand |
Angola | Barbados | Guatemala | Nicaragua |
Argentina | Belarus | Haiti | Niue |
Armenia | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Honduras | Oman |
Azerbaijan | Botswana | Hong Kong | Panama |
Bahamas | Brazil | Iran | Peru |
Bahrain | China | Japan | Philippines |
Cook Islands | Colombia | Jordan | Russia |
Costa Rica | Dominican Republic | Kazakhstan | Rwanda |
Dominica | Ecuador | Kenya | Samoa |
El Salvador | Egypt | Kiribati | São Tomé and Príncipe |
Eswatini | Lebanon | Kosovo | Saudi Arabia |
Montenegro | Malaysia | Kuwait | Serbia |
Morocco | Mauritius | Kyrgyzstan | Seychelles |
Panama | Micronesia | Lebanon | Singapore |
South Africa | Niue | Madagascar | South Korea |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Oman | Malawi | Sudan |
Suriname | Pakistan | Maldives | Suriname |
Thailand | Uzbekistan | Turkey | Turks and Caicos Islands |
Tunisia | Ukraine | UAE | Venezuela |
Zambia |
Saudi Arabia passport visa free countries
Saudi passport holders have the opportunity to travel visa-free to 58 countries and territories, promoting effortless exploration and reinforcing global bonds. Below is an extensive list of these destinations:
Albania | Jordan | Oman | Seychelles |
Angola | Kazakhstan | Palestine | Singapore |
Bahrain | Kenya | Panama | South Africa |
Barbados | Kiribati | Philippines | Tajikistan |
Belarus | Kosovo | Qatar | Thailand |
Botswana | Kuwait | Samoa | Turkey |
Cook Islands | Kyrgyzstan | Saudi Arabia | Ukraine |
Dominica | Lebanon | Saint Kitts and Nevis | United Arab Emirates |
Ecuador | Malaysia | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | United Kingdom |
Egypt | Mauritius | Suriname | Uzbekistan |
El Salvador | Micronesia | Syria | Vanuatu |
Georgia | Morocco | Thailand | Zambia |
Guatemala | Mozambique | Tunisia | Turks and Caicos Islands |
Haiti | New Zealand | Türkiye | Nicaragua |
Honduras | Niue | Ukraine | Iran |
Hong Kong | Oman | United Arab Emirates | United Kingdom |
Kazakhstan | Panama | Uruguay | Philippines |
Kiribati | Qatar | Uzbekistan | Kenya |
Emirates passport visa free countries
Emirati passport holders have the freedom to travel visa-free to 140 countries and territories, facilitating effortless exploration and strengthening global relationships. Presented below is the comprehensive roster of these destinations:
Albania | Andorra | Angola | Antigua and Barbuda |
Argentina | Armenia | Aruba | Austria |
Azerbaijan | Bahamas | Bahrain | Barbados |
Belarus | Belgium | Caribbean Netherlands | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Botswana | Brazil | Brunei | Bulgaria |
Burkina Faso | Canada | Chad | Chile |
China | Colombia | Cook Islands | Costa Rica |
Croatia | Cuba | Curaçao | Cyprus |
Czechia | Denmark | Dominica | Dominican Republic |
Ecuador | Egypt | El Salvador | Estonia |
Faroe Islands | Fiji | Finland | France |
French Guiana | French Polynesia | French West Indies | Georgia |
Germany | Greece | Greenland | Grenada |
Guatemala | Haiti | Honduras | Hong Kong |
Hungary | Iceland | Iran | Ireland |
Israel | Italy | Japan | Jordan |
Kazakhstan | Kenya | Kiribati | Kosovo |
Kuwait | Kyrgyzstan | Latvia | Liechtenstein |
Lithuania | Luxembourg | Malaysia | Mali |
Malta | Mauritius | Mayotte | Mexico |
Micronesia | Moldova | Monaco | Mongolia |
Montenegro | Morocco | Mozambique | Nauru |
Netherlands | New Caledonia | New Zealand | Nicaragua |
Niue | North Macedonia | Norway | Oman |
Panama | Paraguay | Peru | Philippines |
Poland | Portugal | Qatar | Réunion |
Romania | Russia | Samoa | San Marino |
São Tomé and Príncipe | Saudi Arabia | Serbia | Seychelles |
Singapore | Slovakia | Slovenia | Solomon Islands |
South Africa | South Korea | Spain | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
Saint Lucia | Saint Martin | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Sudan |
Suriname | Sweden | Switzerland | Tajikistan |
Thailand | Tonga | Tunisia | Turks and Caicos Islands |
Türkiye | Ukraine | United Kingdom | Uruguay |
Uzbekistan | Vanuatu | Vatican City | Zambia |
kuwait e visa fingerprint
Your Kuwait e-visa application for GCC residents requires the submission of biometric data and fingerprints for processing. Here is essential information about biometrics:
◾ Biometric Data: This includes fingerprint and facial scans.
◾ Fingerprint Scanning: It involves capturing images of all 10 fingers simultaneously using a digital fingerprint scanner.
◾ Facial Photo: A digital photo of the face is also taken during the process. It’s important to ensure that the face is fully visible in the photo.
◾ Temporary Finger Injuries: Any temporary injuries on the fingers should be healed before providing biometric data to ensure accurate scanning.
◾ Avoid Temporary Decorations: Temporary body decorations like mehndi on the fingertips should be avoided as they can interfere with the scanner’s accuracy.
read about: Comprehensive Guide to schengen visa kuwait
kuwait e visa portal
The online Kuwait e-visa portal, found at www.evisa.moi.gov.kw, offers a convenient platform for individuals to apply for visas, streamlining the process for travelers planning to visit Kuwait.

In conclusion, gcc residents visa-free countries worldwide facilitate seamless exploration and foster stronger international connections. GCC residents in visa-free countries enhance cultural exchange, trade relations, and tourism opportunities, contributing to the growth and prosperity of the GCC nations and the global community as a whole.
Do citizens of GCC countries need Kuwait visas?
GCC citizens can enter Kuwait without the need for a visa; they only require a valid GCC ID card for visa-free travel. Additionally, GCC residents are eligible to apply for an e-visa.
Which countries are included in the GCC Union?
The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is a political and economic alliance consisting of six Middle Eastern countries: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, and Oman.
How many countries allow Kuwaiti passport holders to enter without a visa?
Kuwaiti passport holders have visa-free access to 59 destinations worldwide.
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